Empathy in the Workplace

Jonathan Tony
1 min readJan 27, 2022

I’ve never known more people to have Covid than I do right now, much less at the same time. It hit my household, too. It seems like everyone is going to be affected by it this month.

I am convinced that the companies who will not only survive this season but thrive in this season are the ones who lead with empathy. The ones who show understanding and concern for their clients, potential clients, and their employees.

We are not cogs in a machine. (But even cogs need maintenance and oil.) We are human beings with personal lives that exist way beyond our work computers. We are parents, children, and friends first.

Remember there’s a heartbeat behind an email address. There’s someone concerned for a loved one right now. There’s someone trying to do the best they can in an incredibly difficult season.

If we can’t connect on an emotional level, how can we expect to connect on a business level?

